Boca Raton acquired three large beachfront properties in the 1970’s which they converted into public parks, now valued at $330MM and Boca’s biggest asset. Residents and visitors did not always have beach, e.g. fronting Spanish River Park, during the winter months but now they do, and the beach is a major attraction that our residents and visitors head to when they want relaxation. Sand is periodically pumped to restore what is blown away or washed into the sea. Most residents and visitors are not aware that the beach is periodically restored. The beach was restored in 1988 and in 1998, and will be restored again later this year. For each dollar spent on beach restoration, studies have shown that $4-5 accrues back to taxpayers in benefits. The American Shore and Beach Preservation Association named Boca Raton’s northern shoreline as winner of the 2008 Best Restored Beach Award. Only 7 beaches received the award, four of them in Florida, but only Boca Raton’s is on the southeast coast
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